Dolls for Sale
All dolls are handcrafted from liquid porcelain to final dress.

Cherie: 12" (31cm)
Antique Reproduction of Bru Brevette
Silk and cotton lace dress. Glass eyes, mohair wig, Seeleys composition Body.
This is sold as a setting .
A.T. petite: Measures: 9" (23cm)
Antique reproduction of an A.T.
Silk and cotton lace dress, glass eyes, mohair wig, Seeleys composition Body.
This was the theme of this seminar doll. The artist (Cherie) is painting her dolly (A.T). she is surrounded by her toys, porcelain dog and bear, wooden toys. The poem is written on the easel.
These two dolls are sold in this setting and will not be seperated.
This is sold as a setting
Buy now $550.00


Inga: 22" (56cm)
As Pippi Longstockings (John Nissen mold)
PaintedEyes, Acrylic Wig, Seeley's Composition Body.
Seminar doll dressed in cotton as the charactor Pippi Longstocking.
Buy her now $275.00

Tori in papous : 5.5" (14cm)
full porcelain, leather papous
Buy now $55.00
Crawling Baby: 5" (13cm)
full porcelain doll no moving parts.
Buy now $120.00

Holiday Helper: 18" (46cm)
Toddler doll, porcelain head, bent arms and bent legs, cloth body.
Acrylic wig, glastic eyes.
Buy now $150.00
Blossom: 16" (41.5cm)
Cute little doll in Germany outfit. painted eyes, acrylic wig, lovely outfit, leather boots full porcelian body.
Buy now $175.00 SOLD

Cherry: 16" (41.5cm)
Sweet little doll, painted eyes, acrylic wig, full porcelain body.
Buy now $175.00

Becky 13.5" (34cm
painted eyes, synthetic wig, porcelain arms, legs, head, cloth body.
Buy now $65.00

Jumeau Petite: 8.5" (22cm)
Porcelain head, Seeley's composition Body, glass eyes, mohair wig, leather shoes, cotton socks and outfit.
Buy now $175.00

Bleuette SFBJ 301:
Porcelain head, glass Sleep eyes, Seeley's composition Body, synthetic wig, silk/lace dress, leather shoes.
Buy now $180.00

Thorne: 8" (21.5cm)
Full porcelain, painted eyes, mohair wig.
Buy now $55.00

Molly: 8.5" (22cm)
Full porcelain, vinyl shoes, cotton outfit, painted eyes/hair
Buy now $65.00

Tori on flower: 5.5" (14cm)
full porcelain, wooden base, soft cloth flower
Buy now $55.00

Lisbeth: 10" (26cm)
Full porcelain, moving arms/legs/head, glastic eyes, lashes skin wig, cotton dress, cotton lace.
Buy now $55.00

Bru Brevette 19" (49cm)
Porcelain head, shoulder plate, arms, leather body, glass eyes, mohair wig. Silk and lace Costume
Buy Now $185

Lady Margaret 16" (41cm)
Porcelain head, shoulder plate, arms and legs. Soft cloth body.
Silk Costume, glass eyes, mohair wig.
Buy Now $175 SOLD

Crystal 22" (56cm)
Porcelain head, shoulder, arms and legs.
Soft cloth body with armature.
Acrylic eyes, synthetic wig.
Cotton Costume.
Buy Now $180

Cherry Ripe 18" (46cm)
Porcelain head, shoulder, arms and legs.
Cloth body, synthetic wig, Painted eyes.
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $180

May 18" (46cm)
Full porcelain head and body
beautiful riding habit.
Synthetic eyes and wigs
Buy Now $180

Jamelia 21" (54cm)
Porcelain head, arms and legs.
Soft cloth body
Synthetic eyes and hair
cotton costume.
Buy Now $95

Katie 19" (49cm)
Porcelain head and hands.
Soft Cloth body.
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $115

Katie 19" (49cm)
Porcelain head and hands.
Soft Cloth body.
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $115

Katie 19" (49cm)
Porcelain head and hands.
Soft Cloth body.
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $149

Nick 22" (56cm
Porcelain head, hands, legs
Soft Cloth body
Synthetic eyes and hair
Buy Now $130

Serenity 20" (51cm)
Porcelain head, hands
Soft Cloth Body
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $115

Leontine 15" (38cm)
Porcelain head, Shoulder, Arms
Soft Cloth Body
Cabachon Stones on the shoulder
Painted eyes, mohair wig, leather shoes
Silk Costume
Buy Now $225

Hilda 9" (23cm)
Full porcelain head and body
Glass Eyes
Painted hair
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $95

Baby Anne 18" (46cm)
Porcelain head and hands
Synthetic eyes and wig
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $129 SOLD

Dawn as Oliver Twist 15" (38cm)
Full Porcelain head and body
Hand painted eyes, mohair wig
Cotton Costume
Buy Now $159

Small full porcelain doll 4" (10cm)
Buy Now $30
Small Lady Doll 4.5" (11cm)
Buy Now $30

Dawn as Jiminy Cricket 15" (38cm)
Full Porcelain Body and head
Painted eyes
Buy Now $159

Petite Pierrot 17" (44cm)
Porcelain head, hand, legs
Soft Cloth Body
Silk and Cotton Costume
Painted Eyes, Mohair Wig
Buy Now $150

Susi: 10.5" (27cm)
Seeley's composition body, porcelain head, glastic eyes, mohair wig, silk skirt, cotton jumper,
plastic shoes
Buy now $55.00

Faye: 13.5" (34cm)
Porcelain head, Seeley's Composition Body, painted eyes, synthetic wig, cotton dress,
vinyl shoes
Buy now $85.00

Little Sunflower: 7.5" (19cm)
painted modern style, painted eyes/hair/shoes
scottish outfit, also hat (missing in photo). Movable arms/legs.
Buy now $50.00

Estelle and Hart
fashion dolls
Elegant and charming modern lady and Gentleman sculpted by Ron Booker. Exquisite facial features,
Hand painted by myslef. Painted eyes.
Harte measures 22.5" (57cm)
Estelle measures 23" (58cm)
$250.00 eacH or set $450.00